Impact on daily life

Impact. 27th October
Conservative MPs in the North of England are putting pressure on Boris to produce a plan for how to get out of lockdown or Tier 3.  It is easy enough to go into Tier 3 and to have all the shops and pubs closed, but when do you come out of this – what are the rules?  How can you decide that the risks are reduced and normal life can start again?  No answer so far from the Government.
Boots the Chemist is starting to offer a Covid test where you get the results in a few minutes.  It is just in some shops at the moment but if successful it will be spread over the country.  This is for people who have symptoms or for people who want to travel abroad and need to have a test or even just if you are worried you have the virus.  Only problem is that it costs £120 for each test.
With the pressure on hospitals because of the virus, more people are going private because they cannot wait for months and months to get treatment.  More people are taking out private health insurance because they are worried if they get ill that they will not be able to get treatment in the NHS.  This is creating a separate system for those who can afford it.  The odd thing is that in the private hospitals it is often the same doctor who works in the NHS, who will give you the treatment.
Family courts have been continuing during the pandemic.  Cases of child custody and abuse can be carried out using Zoom.  But a study says that these are very sensitive situations and often parents do not understand what is happening. The report says there are cases where the parents appeared in their pyjamas or were in bed and even one where the judge disappeared to take a home delivery.

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