
News  25 February
Covid update: new research shows people over 80 years old who received the vaccines have reduced their hospital admissions by three-quarters. This is impressive because they are the most frail  and have weaker immunity.  Altogether at least 75% less are going to hospital and dying there.  Good news.
Over the last six years Apple has been buying about 100 different companies. On average, Apple buys a new company every three to four weeks.  They aim to btaine more technology and workers’ skills.  Apple is worth more than $2 trillion.
BSL (Wales) Act 2021 – it passed the first hurdle today. 36 supported, 15 abstained.  No one against.  This Bill will help improve better access to public services in BSL. Good news!  Which country is next?  Maybe the Northern Ireland BSL Act is next then England BSL Act last? 
Germany and Belgium have found the biggest drug load so far. They found 16 tonnes of cocaine in five shipping containers arriveing in Hamburg from Paraguay. Another 7 tonnes were found in Antwerp.  That is altogether 23 tonnes.  This was all supposed go to the Netherlands. It is worth billions of euros. Last year 102 tonnes of cocaine was stopped on its way to Europe.

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