
News 30th March
UK is reducing the aid to Syrian refugees by nearly 50% – compared to last year.   The UN says the situation in Syria is getting worse … it has been a terrible time for ten years.  The UN says there is more hunger, and disease in the camps.  It is true that there is less fighting but the living conditions are very bad.  UK Foreign secretary ignored the requests.  The UK has been cutting the support to many countries – recently they cut the aid to the Yemen where there is war.   PM Boris promised a global Britain .. but it is just cutting the help to other countries.
Climate crisis warning.  In Japan the cherry blossom is at its peak …on 26th March .. the earliest it has ever been since they recorded the time…. That goes back hundreds of years.  The blossom is supposed to be in April at the start of the new school year.  But now all the flowers will be gone by that time.  The scientists say this is happening because of global warming.  The cherry blossom is part of Japanese culture and it is in many stories and poems.
Oh dear! .. it will be barbecue time again this weekend.. .if the sun comes out.  One top chef says British men are probably the worst in the world at cooking on the barbecue.  It takes too long, it is not not cooked on the inside, burned on the outside.  Just have another beer .. but it is freezing cold outside.  People use paper plates and plastic forks; then you have to try to eat with plate and the fork and a drink, standing up.  It can be a disaster.  Asda say they are selling ten times the usual number of barbecues.  Good luck!  if you are invited to a BBQ party.
Remember from today, DeafStation will be on holiday for Easter.  We will be back on 12th April with high quality news.

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