
World News. 10th March
You may be wondering where all the PPE goes once it is used?  Well divers are finding huge amounts of PPE on top of the coral reefs. The masks probably are thrown away in Manila city in the Phillipines; they break down in the water and fish start to swallow the small bits.  It could be a huge disaster for the life of the fish and for the coral reefsShoot me instead!  Pictures of a nun in Myanmar kneeling with arms outstretched in front of the soldiers.  She asked them not to shoot the children in the protest – she said to kill her instead.  Two men were shot nearby but some of the soldiers knelt down beside her.
United Nations report says that China is breaking all the parts of the genocide convention.  This means the Chinese are committing terrible acts and abuse against the Uighur people.  The report says 2 million people are being kept in camps.  There are five acts in the convention:  they kill Uighurs, cause bodily and mental harm; they keep them in bad conditions to destroy their well being; they make the women unable to have babies; they take away the children and send them to Chinese families.   China denies all of this.  Other countries accuse China.  There may be a boycott of future international events in China.
Too much protection.  President Biden has two dogs.  They have been banned from the White House and sent away.  One of them bit a security officer.  The dogs were really trying to protect the President.

Nun kneels and says ” shoot me .. not them”
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