
World News 6th August
The National Association of deaf people is suing Trump because he has not provided sign language interpreting at virus briefing meetings.  Deaf people say the captions that are provided often have mistakes and are confusing for deaf people.  They say they need to know the tone of voice in what the speakers say and only a live interpreter can produce this.  Deaf people in England had a petition to provide live on-site interpreters for Boris and this was refused because the room was too small.  The Scottish Government always has an interpreter present.
Neil Young a famous singer is also suing the Trump campaign for using his songs without permission.
German people are surprised by the large crowds (maybe 20 thousand) who marched in Berlin at the weekend to protest about masks and social distancing.  They were very mixed – some people were right wing who just do not like the Government, others did not believe the virus exists, some think the virus is a way to have a dictator in Germany and take away their freedom.  Many conspiracy theories were there …like Bill Gates from Microsoft wants to inject everyone and put microchips in their bodies.  People did not wear masks or keep their distance.
Panda crisis for zoo in Canada.  It is true that pandas eat 40 kilograms of bamboo every day.  The zoo cannot get enough bamboo because the virus has reduced the imports of bamboo from China.  So the zoo wanted to return the pandas to China but they cannot get the travel permits for the pandas.  Stuck.

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