
World News 27th July
The main news across the world is the same again … virus spreading more – over 16 million.  More deaths in USA, Brazil, South Africa.  Victoria in Australia is in lockdown.  Other countries think there is a second wave starting.  Positive news that vaccine may be coming.  We need more details.
Big worry at the moment is what is happening in the USA.  Black Lives Matter is continuing the demonstrations.  Most are peaceful and trying to make change to recognise the rights of Black people.  But Trump has decided they are all “terrorists” (he used that word) and so he has sent special agents (not police, not the army) who have special equipment and tear gas and they are attacking the demonstrators.  The local police and authorities say that what Trump is doing is making things much worse.  He is planning to send more of his agents to big cities.  They do not have special training for crowds and most do not have badges to show who they are.  But they can grab people off the streets and beat them up.  Most people think this is unacceptable.
USA surges past 146 thousand deaths.  Medical experts plead to shut down or else the death numbers will get to 200 thousand.
In Ghana, over 2 thousand health care workers have the virus.  They do not have proper protective equipment.

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